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Avicennia Alba

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  • Medium to large tree growing up to 20 m.

  • Smooth, brownish black bark.

  • Extensive lateral root system stretching just below the soil surface with pencil-like breathing roots, also known as pneumatophores, sticking vertically out of the muddy ground to take in oxygen. Pneumatophores may grow up to a height of 15 - 20 cm

  • Oblong to lanceolate pointed leaves, smooth, glossy-green above and very pale under, 15 by 5 cm. Upper surface is covered with many glandular dots, able to excrete salt due to presence of salt glands in the leaves.

  • Yellow to orange flowers measuring 3 - 4 mm across, and usually in 10 - 30 flowered clusters that are 1.5 - 3 cm long. Upper half of ovary is usually hairy.

  • Pale green in colour, egg-shaped with a broad base and a pronounced beak, measuring up to 4 cm. All Avicennia spp. exhibits crytovivipary, in which the embryo germinates within the fruit but does not enlarge sufficiently to break through the fruit wall.

Avicennia alba is naturally distributed on coastal beaches, best grown in humid tropical climates, sub-equatorial, all year round hot, no cold months. It is a common mangrove in the Mekong Delta.



It is suitable for soft mud soils; or soil with a sand ratio of <10%.




The best is the number of days of tidal flooding from 20-25 days per month, the exposure time from 5-8 hours per day.




The average monthly temperature is over 20°C, the average annual rainfall is from 1,300-2,400mm/year.

Salinity: Avicennia Alba are quite salt resistant, the salinity of water in the rainy season is from 20-21‰, the dry season is from 28-33‰).

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