Educational Equiments
On November 17, 2022, MANGLUB VN launched the “Coast Cleanup Team” at Nhi hamlet, My Long Nam commune, Cau Ngang district.
The team members are local residents living along the coastline where MANGLUB VN together with our customers planted mangroves in 2022.
In collaboration with commune authority, we fund to expand the areas of trash collection services for the households near the coastline. The mentioned local residents can use this service from the last week of November 2022. And during the first three months, we will try to make it more functional with the concept of cost effective rules before implementing in bigger areas.
In spite of limited resources, we trust that this activity will be supported in the future by those who care.
And more importantly, this contributes to improving the life quality of the local residents, the awareness of cleanest and trash’s negative effects, and decreasing the coastal pollution.