TO Foundation is committed to healing the world by accelerating Earth’s most vital ventures. Founded by Nachson and Arieh Mimran, the organization is built around the fundamental belief that in order to heal the world we must take a creative approach.
September 2022 – September 2026
Rhizophora Apiculata
Project’s highlights:
Area: 01 hectare
Tree quantity: 2,220
Type: Rhizophora Apiculata
Planting method: mixing planting method
Duration: 04 years from Sep. 2022 – Sep. 2026
Tra Vinh, September 2022 – TO Foundation (TF) has successfully managed many reforestation projects in Africa, and desired to expand to Vietnam through funding the first one hectare of Rhizophora Apiculata in Tra Vinh province. TF chose the province because this area is vulnerable to the climate change.
TF is implementing the project by online management to decrease the carbon dioxide emission. The Foundation together with the other donors has supported Ban islet to become a more steady area, a natural fence to the behind coastal communties.
As planned, the planting will be finished in late September and in the next three months, the first survival report will be conducted to evaluate the growth. The project must meet minimum 80% of the total area so that it can be passed the first check.
It lasts in four years and will be handed over to the local Forestry sub – department in September 2026. The project laid the first foundation to more mangrove projects in the Mekong delta.
Project circle timeline: