If you are interested, just click on the articles below.
Well, let’s enjoy!

As SK Innovation is accelerating its ESG management in and outside Korea, the company has started the 2021 Mangrove Reforestation Project...

SK Innovation has successfully reached the 2020 target for Mangrove Reforestation Project in Vietnam with 180,000 new mangrove trees...

SK Innovation’s Mangrove Reforestation Project, a program that aims to respond to climate change and preserve biodiversity...

On August 29, APL Logistics joined together with the provincial authorities and the forestry department in a meaningful sustainability event to help both the environment and community.

Cây con từ vườn ươm bắt đầu xanh màu, cắm rễ ở vùng đất ngập mặn, những cánh rừng bần chua, đước đôi, mắm, sú, vẹt…