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Nypa fruticans



(not recommended)







  • It is a medium to large-sized, clumping stemless palm with rhizomes, with large, erect leaf fronds above ground, 4–10 m long. Leaf fronds possess stout leaf stalks that are bulbous at the base, 1–1.4 m long. Smooth, brownish black bark.

  • Its alternate, stalked, large, erect leaves are about 4–10 m long, slightly recurved, pinnate with up to 100 lanceolate leaflets arranged regularly on each side of the rachis. Leaflets are 60–130 by 5–8 cm, pointed, shiny green on the upper surface and somewhat powdery on the lower surface. The midrib of each leaflet is marked with regular linear brown scales, up to 2 cm long.

  • The erect inflorescence is borne on a long, sturdy peduncle, 1–2 m long that arises from the underground stem. Male and female flowers are borne separately on the inflorescence. The female flowers form a spherical head that is about 25–30 cm in diameter, while the male flowers form a catkin below the female inflorescence head.

  • Its brown to dark brown fruits borne on a spherical infructescence, 30–45 cm in diameter. Each individual fruit is a reversed egg-shape to oblong ellipsoid, one-seeded fibrous drupe, with an angular tip, 10–15 by 5–8 cm. Seed is white in colour, egg-shaped, about 5 by 4 cm.

Nypa fruticans are naturally distributed by the river, slitting brackish waters; best growth in humid, sub-leprosy tropical climates

all year round, there is no cold month; It is a common mangrove tree.

Southern Plains, riverside, central Coastal Lagoon.




Suitable on soil with relatively high mud content, low maturity




Average monthly temperature above 200C, average rainfall from 1,300

- 2,400mm/year.

Salinity: has low salinity, salinity of water during the rainy season is from

0 - 5‰, the dry season is from 10 - 15‰).

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